Country Christmas Feast
This Christmas, try Mona Lisa’s Glazed Smoked Ham with these 3 fabulous sides and Doug’s Peach Cobbler for dessert for a southern, country Christmas.
Please click here Print for the directions and ingredients for each recipe.
Mona Lisa’s Glazed Smoked Ham!!
1 ham, 10-12 lbs
1 20 oz. can round sliced pineapple
1 jar maraschino cherries
2 boxes brown sugar
Set your Big Green Egg up for indirect cooking at 350°F/177°C. Line a 9×13 baking pan with aluminum foil.
Rinse ham with cold water, pat dry, and set aside. Take the juice from the pineapple and mix well with the brown sugar to make a nice thick syrupy glaze. Next, add the pineapple to the ham putting a cherry in the hole of each pineapple round. Then pour the glaze over the ham.
Loosely cover the ham with aluminum foil and cook for 3-4 hours basting the ham with the pan juice every 30 min.
Let stand for 30 minutes, slice and ENJOY!!!
Stuffed Mushrooms
24 oz whole white mushrooms
1 package Italian sausage (5 links)
1 package extra sharp cheddar cheese, cut into small cubes
4-6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
Dried parsley
Stuffed Mushrooms Instructions
Set your Big Green Egg up for indirect cooking at 350°F/177°C.
Clean mushrooms under running water. Pat dry, remove stems and brush with olive oil (set aside).
Cook the sausage on your Big Green Egg for 30-45 min until done (160-degree internal temp). Remove sausage and let cool then finely chop.
Stuff each mushroom with the sausage first, then top with garlic, then add the cube of cheese, then a sprinkle of parsley. Place mushrooms on a perforated grid and cook for 30 minutes. Remove and let cool for 5 minutes and ENJOY!
Doug’s Peach Cobbler
(2) 29oz. cans of peaches with heavy syrup
1 cup pineapple bits
½ cup tapioca
1 box cake mix
1 ¼ cup brown sugar
¼ stick unsalted butter
Big Green Egg Dutch Oven
Doug’s Peach Cobbler Instructions
Set your Big Green Egg up for indirect cooking at 350°F/177°C.
Pour the 2 cans of peaches with heavy syrup into your seasoned Big Green Egg Dutch oven. Next, pour in pineapple tidbits over peaches. Then add the tapioca over the pineapple. Follow this with the cake mix and then brown sugar. Top the brown sugar with thinly sliced unsalted butter.
Place lid on your Big Green Egg Dutch Oven and cook for 45 minutes. Remove from the Big Green Egg let cool for 15 minutes and ENJOY!!!
Jannie Mae’s Country Cornbread
3 cups cornmeal
1 egg
2 ¼ cups buttermilk
½ cup canola oil
Jannie Mae’s Country Cornbread Instructions
Set your Big Green Egg up for indirect cooking at 350°F/177°C.
In a large bowl mix the cornmeal, egg, buttermilk, and sugar. You are looking for a nice firm consistency; not dry or too wet (Remember you can add but you can’t take away). Add oil to the skillet and let it get hot (about 15 minutes). Then add the ½ cup canola oil to the cornbread mixture and mix. Pour the cornbread mixture into the skillet and cook for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
Let cool for 15 minutes and ENJOY!!!
Country Collard Greens
6-8 bunches collards
2 large sweet yellow onions, chopped
4-6 garlic cloves, chopped
8-10 smoked turkey butts
3-4 turnip roots, chopped
¼ cup crushed red pepper
½ tbsp kosher salt
½ tbsp black pepper
½ tbsp cayenne pepper
¼ ts habanero pepper
Jacks Old South or your favorite rub
Garlic powder
2 large shallots, chopped
Country Collard Greens Instructions
Set your Big Green Egg up for indirect cooking at 350°F/177°C.
In your Big Green Egg Dutch Oven add all of the ingredients except the collards. Cover with water making sure to cover the turkey butts (about 8 cups). Boil down by half or until the turkey butts are falling off the bone. Remove turkey butts and when cool remove the meat and discard the bones. Place turkey meat back in Dutch Oven. At this point, it is important to taste your base to make sure it is to your satisfaction.
Slowly add the collards to the base using a wooden spoon to work the greens. Note: Do not add additional water during this process – let the greens cook down (about 30 minutes). Continue to add greens using the same method until all of the greens are in the Big Green EggDutch Oven. Cook for an additional 90 minutes and check for tenderness.
If you decided to try Big Green Egg’s Country Christmas Feast, please share your comments and pictures with us. We want to know what you think about the recipes and how you liked them. Happy Holidays!!!