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Is It Cheaper to Clean Your Own Pool? | A Brief Guide!


Whether you plan to add a swimming pool to your property or take on DIY maintenance for an existing one, you've likely wondered, "How much does it cost to clean it myself?" Fortunately, this guide will break down all the expenses involved in cleaning and upkeep of a swimming pool.

What's Included in a Routine Pool Maintenance Service?

What's Included in a Routine Pool Maintenance Service?

Before determining the costs of a DIY pool maintenance job, it's essential to understand what goes into a routine cleanup and inspection.

While it may seem like a simple task, maintaining a swimming pool involves much more than meets the eye. Skimming off debris and fallen leaves only addresses surface-level concerns. What about scrubbing the sidewalls, purifying the water, and inspecting the equipment? Property owners often overlook these crucial aspects of maintenance when considering a DIY approach. Our team can help also answer the question of Do you need a license to clean pools in AZ?

Generally, a routine pool cleanup includes the following tasks:

  • Vacuuming the pool

  • Brushing the tile line, walls, and floor

  • Polishing the handrails and ladders

  • Cleaning out the trap baskets

  • Testing the water and correcting its chemistry

  • Backwashing the filters

Is It Cheaper to Clean Your Own Pool?

It's recommended to clean and maintain your swimming pool weekly to prevent issues like sludge buildup in the filters, dirty water, algae growth, and potential damage to the pool equipment.

A DIY pool maintenance would incur many fixed costs, as you would need to invest in the right cleaning supplies and tools, such as chemicals, test kits, filter replacement cartridges, and pool vacuum, among other things. For more details, try our pool maintenance service.

Even after that, a weekly cleanup can be laborious and time-consuming for the homeowner. It could take several hours for an inexperienced individual to carry out routine pool maintenance. Think about what you could do with that time. Would you like to spend your weekends cleaning and inspecting your pool or swimming in one?

When you factor in the fixed costs of the equipment, the expenses associated with cleaning supplies, and the value of your time, you may find that hiring a professional is a cost-effective option. They have the expertise, skills, cleaning supplies, and equipment to clean and maintain your swimming pool in an efficient manner.

A Swimming Pool Contractor Does More Than Just Clean and Maintain Your Swimming Pool!

When you hire a pool service company like E-Konomy Pool Service & Supplies, the contractor does more than just clean and test the pool water for chemical levels.

A routine maintenance visit involves assessing the mechanical components of the pool equipment, which is crucial in ensuring that the machines and filters are running smoothly.

Whether it's inspecting the pool filter or evaluating the condition of the heaters or water pumps, pool owners often don't know what they're looking out for. A skilled contractor has a keen eye and the right knowledge to inspect the equipment and catch any issues right away.

Identifying problems during routine pool maintenance and resolving them immediately can prevent costly repairs down the road. What does all of this mean for the property owner?

Most pool owners who take a DIY approach to pool maintenance lack the technical expertise to identify structural issues or troubleshoot the equipment. They may overlook problems, which could worsen over time and result in expensive repairs or replacements.

For example, a small tear in the pool liner is a quick fix. However, if it's not diagnosed immediately, it can become a serious problem later on. A pool maintenance professional can identify these issues during the weekly pool service, saving you hundreds of dollars in repair costs and preventing potential damage to the pool's structure or equipment.

Tips to Help You Clean Your Pool

Some homeowners love to get their hands dirty when it comes to maintaining their property. If you have the time, skills, and resources to clean the pool water and maintain the equipment, here are a few tips that you should follow:

Spread the Tasks

Divide cleaning and maintenance into daily and weekly tasks to ensure thorough cleaning and inspection.

You can skim the surface, check the water levels, and clean the deck daily while brushing the sides, testing water chemistry, and inspecting the equipment should be carried out weekly.

Test and Treat the Water

Regularly testing the water can prevent algae growth and reduce the need for chemical treatments. Ensure that the pool water's pH is between 7.2 and 7.8; otherwise, it can cause skin and eye irritation.

If you don't have a test kit, you can always take a sample to a nearby pool store for further analysis.

Your Pool Needs Chlorine

Shock the pool every few weeks with large doses of chlorine and other pool chemicals to remove all bacteria and impurities from the water. Make this part of your routine pool maintenance.

Replace the Filters

Clean and replace the pool filter as needed to ensure that the water is safe and clear.

Inspect and Address

Routinely inspect the pool equipment for any potential problems and take corrective measures immediately. Replace anything that's broken, and if something needs fixing, carry out a quick repair job.

Safety Should Be Your Number One Priority

During pool maintenance, make sure to inspect the railings and ladders for safety. Invest in anti-slip mats to avoid any slip-and-fall accidents on a wet day.

Should You Consider a DIY Maintenance Approach for Commercial Pools?

While a DIY approach to residential pool cleaning can be a good option, it's always best to hire professional pool services when it comes to commercial facilities. This can help you avoid legal and financial troubles.

State laws require proper certifications and licenses to clean and maintain commercial swimming pools. In such cases, a DIY pool maintenance approach may do more harm than good. Protect your reputation and avoid the hassle of coordinating pool openings and closings by working with an experienced contractor.

Final Thoughts: Should You Work with a Reputable Pool Maintenance Company in Tucson, Arizona?

Final Thoughts: Should You Work with a Reputable Pool Maintenance Company in Tucson, Arizona?

Scheduling regular pool maintenance is crucial to ensure safe and clear water. It also keeps your equipment in excellent working condition, helping you save money on repairs and replacements.

Some homeowners in Tucson, Arizona, love to be hands-on, and if you're one of them and have the skills and expertise to properly maintain your pool, then have at it. A DIY pool maintenance approach could be relaxing and therapeutic and provide a sense of accomplishment as you care for your outdoor space.

However, if you're unfamiliar with swimming pool care or don't have the time to handle the maintenance yourself, it's best to call E-Konomy Pool Service & Supplies and let their pool technician take care of it for you.


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E-Konomy Pool Service & Supplies provides maintenance, renovation, and repair services for in-ground pools and hot tubs in Tucson.

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